VSec infrastructure is built to have as small a footprint as possible, that being technical, economical, and environmentally while being easy to manage and to contribute to as community.


The website is built with GitHub Pages that enables everybody to contribute directly though the GitHub repository. GitHub Pages is built with static pages using the Jekyll static site generator and the “Minimal Mistakes” Jekyll theme made by Michael Rose.


By using a static site generator and Cloudflare as a CDN, resources used to deliver the VSec website should be as limited as possible while still enabling a security focus.


DNS is handled by Cloudflare so that its possible to enable DNSSEC.


To enable proper web security in conjunction with GitHub Pages, Cloudflare is used as a CDN to make it optimize allowed secure TLS versions, set HSTS and make “transforms” to the http response headers so it is possible to enforce web security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP) etc. Cloudflare also provides basic DDoS protection.

Project Management

GitHub also provides good project management tools should that be necessary in the future when planning events.

Environmental commitment to technology usage

VSec is committed to as much as possible, to only select technology and service providers that focusing on minimizing their environmental impact. VSec is a non-profit and all funding that is not used on facilitating the community itself will be given to causes that help support the UN “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the 17 goals.